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Monday, June 19, 2017

Call for Paper for Asia Pacific Conference on Curriculum Studies and Instructional Designing

This conference is established to provide international forum for the exchange of new ideas in the field of curriculum studies that have profound value to the dynamic discipline of education. Hence, it is the primary intention of this academic gathering to form a research nucleus that will bring together scholars, educationists and researchers across academic communities in the Philippines, in Asia, and possible around the world into one common podium.

Specifically, this academic event banks on its trifocal objectives to:

1. provide opportunities for sharing of ideas on emerging trends in the discipline that are significant towards relevant, responsive and appropriate 21st century education.

2. provide venue for both novice and experienced researchers to share their findings towards the further theoretical and practical developments in the discipline.

3. build network for scholars, educationists and researchers enhancing opportunities for collaboration.

    This conference is organized by the Curriculum Studies Area, College of Education, University of the Philippines, Diliman.

For registration, submissions, or any inquiries, please contact: 
Registration and Payment: registration@apccsid.net 
Paper and Poster: abstract@apccsid.net 
Inquiries: inquiries@apccsid.net 
Telephone/Mobile Number 
+639451354569 (Registration and Payment); +639478466500 (Paper and Poster); +639064810401 and (+632) 926-39-96

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Science 6 Week 7-8 Suggested Activities First Quarter

The following are the suggested activities for Science 6 for Week 7-8. You may modify it depending on the needs of your students and the availability of materials. This is not yet validated so please help me in validating these activities and send feedback at richard.agustin@deped.gov.ph

                                       Week 7-8 SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES

You might also want to check the Week 1-2, Week 3-4 and Week 5-6 Suggested Activities. Just click the link below:


Share this to your friends and co-teachers and please help me in validating these activities.

All rights reserved.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Science 6 Week 5-6 Suggested Activities First Quarter

The following are the suggested activities for Science 6 for Week 5-6. You may modify it depending on the needs of your students and the availability of materials. This is not yet validated so please help me in validating these activities and send feedback at richard.agustin@deped.gov.ph

                                        WEEK 5-6 SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES
You might also want to check the Week 1-2 and Week 3-4 Suggested Activities. Just click the link below:

                                        WEEK 3-4 SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES
                                        WEEK 1-2 SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES

Share this to your friends and co-teachers and please help me in validating these activities.
Week 7-8 is available here!

                                       WEEK 7-8 SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES

All rights reserved

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Science 6 Week 3-4 Suggested Activities First Quarter

The following are the suggested activities for Science 6 for Week 3-4. You may modify it depending on the needs of your students and the availability of materials. This is not yet validated so please help me in validating these activities and send feedback at richard.agustin@deped.gov.ph

                                       WEEK 3-4 SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES

You might also want to check the Week 1-2 and Week 5-6 Suggested Activities. Just click the link below:

                                      WEEK 1-2 SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES
                                      WEEK 5-6 SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES

Share this to your friends and co-teachers and please help me in validating these activities.
You might want to check Suggested Activities for Week 7-8. Just click the link below.

                                      WEEK 7-8 SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES

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Sunday, June 11, 2017

Science 6 Week 1-2 Suggested Activities First Quarter

The following are the suggested activities for Science 6 for Week 1-2. You may modify it depending on the needs of your students and the availability of materials. This is not yet validated so please help me in validating these activities and send feedback at richard.agustin@deped.gov.ph. 

                                   WEEK 1-2 SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES
                                   WEEK 3-4 SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES
                                   WEEK 5-6 SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES

Share this to your friends and co-teachers and please help me in validating these activities.

All rights reserved.

Grade 6 Daily Lesson Logs/Plans

These Daily Lesson Plans/Logs have been developed by the Department of Education, Philippines and it is not owned by the publisher. You may share these lesson plans/logs to your fellow teachers and friends for the benefit of the learners of the Republic of the Philippines. You can also download these at www.deped.gov.ph or at htttp://lrmds.deped.gov.ph.

Suggeted Activities for Science 6, First Quarter

1. WEEK 1-2
2. WEEK 3-4
3. WEEK 5-6

You may also checked other Science materials here in my blogsite just click the arrow to the left or the right at the bottom portion of this page if you are using your cellphone. Check the archives to the right if you are using your computer. Thank you so much and God bless!

Science Curriculum Guide with Tagged Equipment